Friday, September 7, 2007

And here she is!!

The moods of weather are mercurial, to say the least. Yesterday it felt like a sauna, but the rains overnight changed all that.

We just met Autumn of 2007. Not much has changed really in the scenery to suggest that, but the cool damp feel of Autumn is very much here, and this time, she seems to want to stay.

If the seasons were all feminine, then Summer would be a mother - verdant and fertile though short-tempered at times, Spring an ebullient young child and winter an old grandma with flowing white hair sometimes grumpy but glorious nonetheless.

Fall would definitely be a raven haired dark eyed lady, forever young and beautiful at heart, artistic and creative in all her expressions. You can easily picture her smiling eyes looking into the depths of your soul and seeing you in a way that you feel good about just being yourself and smile with her. Wearing myriad beads, trinkets and a long flowing skirt with shades of bright crimson, peach, orange and gold she sashays around stoically with a calm dignity. Now and then you catch the golden sun gleaming in her hair or shining through her beads. The moods of the moment are a quiet reserve and noble poise.

While all my entreaties to mom summer to leave and make way for lady Autumn were met with scorching episodes, I know that if I try to make her overstay, grandma winter might have a rather frigid reaction. Besides she starts getting bored and listless after a while and begins to long for faraway lands. Fickleness of temperament is part of her being.

So, enjoy her company while she stays.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

O Fall Where Art Thou

Is it autumn yet? Evidently not!
Where are the misty mornings and crisp cool afternoons, when bright sunlight feels nice and warm. There is no gloominess in its cool weather; even the breezy and sometimes wet evenings are very pleasing. Fall signifies the good- even beautiful side of cooler weather after the sticky heat and humidity of summer.

Autumn brings a lot! Crisp sweet apples, fresh hot apple cider infused with cinnamon. Nature putting up a transient show in vibrant colors. The flavor of change all around excites the heart and pleases the soul.

Light jackets suffice to ward off mildly chilly winds. The impending gloom of snow, slush and parkas seems so far away as to not even feel imminent.

Its September and still mercilessly hot and humid. Summer still goes on in all its splendor, way past its departure date. The heat is turning some leaves prematurely brown, bypassing all possibility of exuberence in their free lives. The sun shines on. Lovers of warm weather continue to enjoy these last few days of it for this year. But I am done with summer.

O' Fall where art thou!! I am ready for you!!